Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Is William Shakespeare's Skull Missing?

Head Verger Jon Ormrod tends to the grave of William Shakespeare in the Chancel of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford Upon Avon, England.

Archaeologists who scanned the grave of William Shakespeare say they have made a head-scratching discovery. His skull appears to be missing.

Researchers used ground-penetrating radar to explore the playwright's tomb. The tomb is in Stratford-upon-Avon's Holy Trinity Church. Staffordshire University archaeologist Kevin Colls led the study. He said they found "an odd disturbance at the head end." They also found evidence of repairs some time after the original burial. Read more after the cut.

How to Deal With Instagram’s Coming Algorithm Apocalypse: Do Nothing

What's all the fuss about the change Instagram announced to the way it will relaying feeds on our time lines? Are the deluge of posts requesting that you "Turn On Notifications" justified? Read this article from Huffington Post and lets know what you think.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Young American-Based Nigerian Rapper, Big Reeno Chats With THq

Big Reeno
Meet US-based Nigerian rapper, Big Reeno. In a chat with THq, Reeno who says he has been into music professionally since 2008 lets us into his world and shares some career tips for up and coming artistes. If the name Big Reeno is new to you, check out the video for his song Home featuring King Los here and let us know what you think. Find excerpts from our chat after the cut. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Nation of Cannibals and Savages

So my wife has been complaining for sometime about how she's not very impressed with our bloggers these days. A large chunk of the 'news' they blog about is negative. Down right gory. Today it's about the rape of an underage girl, tomorrow it's about the beheading of a young man with a promising future. Police shooting innocent civilians now and soldiers brutalising cadets the next moment. Kilode? She asked me. It's an overload of negative news. Is that really all that's going on?